Compare and sort the fractions in ascending order: 2/75, 5/30, 3/45. Common ordinary fractions compared and sorted in ascending order, result explained below

Sort: 2/75, 5/30, 3/45

To compare and sort multiple fractions, they should either have the same denominator or the same numerator.

The operation of sorting fractions in ascending order:
2/75, 5/30, 3/45

Analyze the fractions to be compared and ordered, by category:

positive proper fractions: 2/75, 5/30, 3/45

Simplify the operation
Reduce (simplify) the fractions to their lowest terms equivalents:

By reducing the values of the numerators and denominators of the fractions, further calculations with these fractions become easier to do.

To reduce a fraction to the lowest terms equivalent: divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, GCF.

Internal link » Reduce (simplify) common (ordinary) fractions to the lowest terms (to their simplest form equivalent), online calculator

2/75 is already reduced to the lowest terms.
The numerator and denominator have no common prime factors:
2 is a prime number.
75 = 3 × 52

5/30 = 5/(2 × 3 × 5) = (5 ÷ 5)/((2 × 3 × 5) ÷ 5) = 1/6

3/45 = 3/(32 × 5) = (3 ÷ 3)/((32 × 5) ÷ 3) = 1/15

To compare and sort the fractions, make their numerators the same.

Expand the fractions that have 1 as a numerator.

Multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number:

1/6 = (2 × 1)/(2 × 6) = 2/12

1/15 = (2 × 1)/(2 × 15) = 2/30

The fractions have the same numerator, compare their denominators.

The larger the denominator the smaller the positive fraction.

The larger the denominator the larger the negative fraction.

::: The operation of comparing fractions :::
The final answer:

The fractions sorted in ascending order:
2/75 < 2/30 < 2/12

The initial fractions sorted in ascending order:
2/75 < 3/45 < 5/30

How are the numbers written: comma ',' used as a thousands separator; point '.' as a decimal separator; numbers rounded off to max. 12 decimals (if the case). Used symbols: '/' the fraction bar; ÷ dividing; × multiplying; + plus (adding); - minus (subtracting); = equal; ≈ approximately equal.

Other similar operations

Compare and sort the fractions in ascending order:
- 9/83, - 9/35, - 9/52

Compare and sort common ordinary fractions, online calculator:

The latest common ordinary fractions compared and sorted in ascending order

Tutoring: Comparing ordinary fractions

How to compare two fractions?

1. Fractions that have different signs:

  • Any positive fraction is larger than any negative fraction:
  • ie: 4/25 > - 19/2

2. A proper and an improper fraction:

  • Any positive improper fraction is larger than any positive proper fraction:
  • ie: 44/25 > 1 > 19/200
  • Any negative improper fraction is smaller than any negative proper fraction:
  • ie: - 44/25 < -1 < - 19/200

3. Fractions that have both like numerators and denominators:

  • The fractions are equal:
  • ie: 89/50 = 89/50

4. Fractions that have unlike (different) numerators but like (equal) denominators.

  • Positive fractions: compare the numerators, the larger fraction is the one with the larger numerator:
  • ie: 24/25 > 19/25
  • Negative fractions: compare the numerators, the larger fraction is the one with the smaller numerator:
  • ie: - 19/25 < - 17/25

5. Fractions that have unlike (different) denominators but like (equal) numerators.

  • Positive fractions: compare the denominators, the larger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator:
  • ie: 24/25 > 24/26
  • Negative fractions: compare the denominators, the larger fraction is the one with the larger denominator:
  • ie: - 17/25 < - 17/29

6. Fractions that have different denominators and numerators (unlike denominators and numerators).

More on ordinary (common) fractions / theory: